Physical activity is just as important as the foods you eat. Adding exercise, and strength training, will also help with maintaining lean body mass and keeping metabolism as high as possible.
Your total workout time, start to finish, is only 10 minutes. We all know exercise is essential for overall health, but when you're trying to lose weight it becomes even more important. Here is the latest in a 10-minute exercise effective for weight loss, which targets multiple muscles, winds up your metabolism, and burns those calories. Remember 10-minute session gets you one step closer to your target weight.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT), is just a 10-minute exercise program with fantastic benefits - all absolutely true. HIIT is a combination of brief, very-high intensity bursts of cardio exercise followed by equal or longer periods of rest. Think 45 to 60 seconds of sprinting or “all-out” cycling on a stationary bike, followed by a minute or two of resting by slow walking or slow pedalling. Repeat this cycle for just 10 minutes, and you’ll complete a HIIT workout. There is more than 10 years of data showing HIIT yields more or less the same health and fitness benefits as long-term aerobic exercise.
The secret to HIIT is in how hard you work during your intense intervals. Your body's fat-burning potential shoots up and the pounds melt away. High-intensity exercise increases the release of growth hormones, which mobilize fat to be used as fuel. So your 10-minute workout ends up burning more calories throughout the day than a long, easy jog around the block. HIIT forces your muscles to work harder, burn more fuel, perform better. It’s a smart strategy to help you lose weight fast. If you’re overweight or obese and you haven’t exercised in months, try 30 seconds to 3 minutes of brisk walking on an inclined treadmill or hill. This should be enough to push your heart rate up into the HIIT zone - 80% of your maximum heart rate.
Doing weights helps you slim down and speeds up your metabolism. One of the secrets to shedding pounds is to build muscles. So don’t be shy, spend 5 minutes or so working out with weights.
Whether your goal is to improve your fitness, lower your risk for cardiovascular disease, lose weight, strengthen skeletal muscle or help get your blood sugar under control, a few minutes of HIIT seem to be as effective as much longer periods of moderate-paced running, cycling, swimming or other forms of traditional cardio.
Other research finds that HIIT may outperform traditional cardio when it comes to fat loss. A HIIT-induced surge in your body’s levels of growth hormones and other organic compounds can increase fat burning and energy expenditure for hours after exercise.
Before you start intensive exercise of any kind have a chat to your doctor - you don’t want to injure yourself.